My mind and my goals
Okay, let’s start talking the truth. This website will be about the truth. We need to help each other so that are children and our future can be secured. We need to start helping each other. Why is it we worry about babies being born? But then forget about them, the moment they are born? I think technologies have brought us into the future. But, have made us disconnected as a people. It seems more information gets out there. The less we really know about, one other. So most of us now live in apartments. How many of your neighbors do you know? How many friends just, go out of your life? How many true friends do you have that you sit down with? Watch the game with? That you can tell your deepest secrets to? What I'm saying is, we don't get or take the time to get to know anyone. When you're standing in line at the checkout counter why don't we talk to each other? All you have to do is say hello. There would never be lonely people or children without families, and no wars. If we would just treat each other with respect and love just like the good book says and every other book, or scroll ever made has said.
So what I'm going to do is help all those children that the world has turned their backs on. As well all the kids that just needs that extra hand. So what we are doing now is making the cookbook that can help make this dream come true. We will take the profits driven by this cookbook to fund the school and restaurant for those children. So, we need to get the word out! I started a blog. It's called, just a chef. You can go to http.//justachef.
Check out my new website:
You can also go to twitter and finding me there. My username is: justachef 101. Please feel free to chat with me about this on twitter. I would truly appreciate your help getting the word out. We are going to start filming a cooking show to promote the cookbook. If we can simply get the word out to so we start the funding and help the children. We can make this world a better place. It only takes one person to get a revolution started. I know some people might not see my views as the best way of doing things. But this is the only way I know how. Doing something is better than doing nothing. Help me get a revolution going!
Eat, love and enjoy!
Much love,
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