As you all know I live to cook and help other so I’m just would like you to look at just one thing you can do to make sure we can all enjoy life longer. I know most of us feel over whelmed with all the green stuff, eat right.... and so on. Want to just challenge you to just one thing for one day one thing you think you can do that for me and you and the planet? Are you ready to try? I’m going to try for life cold turkey. So here is the challenge go without using plastics for one day! That means no water bottles and no buying things with any plastic at all. That means the bags you use to bring you grocery store.
I have found that it can all be mind numbing when you are just hit with it all day. So, I have just found that if you can just take one thing at a time then it is easy.
So, I’m not sure if it’s I’m 40yrs old or I’m a dad. But the other day I found that I needed to make a big impact in my life and my family’s life. That does not mean I’m selling everything and putting my kids in grass skirts and living in a drift wood house. I’m just going to try to live life better.
Ok, so I’m gone to put something’s in front of you and you can pick can pick one or more:
· No bottle water
· Eating only food that list the ingredients with things you know what it is
· Only shop the 4 walls of the supermarket
· Shop at co-ops
· Shop at farmers markets
· Don’t buy anything with fluoride in it
· Ask if you water is fluoridated (all bottled water is)try to prove me wrong
· Make brown bag lunch for a homeless person
· Challenge me to do things
· Live outside your comfort zone
1.Why is it that you can buy a meal at McD's for under $5 bucks but it cost more to eat fresh food?
2.Why are kids getting diabetes?
I'll tell you why we are buying and eating processed junk
Please have fun with this and make this a dialog.
Eat, love and enjoy
Chef B.